This blog is dead

Over the course of 10 years plugins for this site have been acquired and scrapped.  This means that I have lost control of their configuration, thus making it so I cannot provide the experience I want to provide to you. Fortunately, I have migrated everything over to my fully hosted solution that I’ve been using…

Galapagosing next week

And we bringeth ….ummm… how do you pack for the Galapagos? First off, it is best to know the rules and the dynamics for those rules.  The Galapagos is a group of islands off the Western coast of Ecuador that contain the most diverse ecosystem for such a small area.  That statement includes what’s above and…

It is time for the Galapagos

Woohoo!  Jess and I are headed down to the Galapagos islands in early  June of 2015.  We’re cruising aboard the Quasar Evolution for 1 week around the older islands, when the dry season is getting started. Why the older islands and why June? Primarily due the promise I made Jess that we would celebrate our second anniversary,…

What’s in the bag?

What’s more expensive:  kids or a photography hobby?  I have both and I really don’t know.  Eating some serious coin isn’t all they have in common.  When going somewhere you want the least amount of fuss and aren’t afraid to pack too much to achieve it.  And you never know whether the destination is going to…

Sea Caves in Burlington, VT???

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Vermont two states or a country away from the ocean?  You’ve either got to drive up through Canada or speed threw New Hampshire and Maine to see the Atlantic.  Don’t even ask about the Pacific.  So, how did sea caves end up right next to downtown Burlington.  And…

Winter birding in the backyard

Being a snowboarder and photographer brings mixed feelings about snow.  One part of me wants to make more turns in the pow-pow (powdery snow), while the other part is ready for water to flow and animals to come out.  On the weekdays, when a few hours on the mountain aren’t possible, I like to shoot…

Found an ice cave in my backyard

Sometimes adventures are right out the back door.  Blizzard 2015 was fairly weak for us in Vermont (only 6+ inches of snow), but it inspired me to run around the yard with camera in hand. Admittedly, this is not a human-sized ice cave.  If one was a rabbit, one would find this ice stalagmite impressive.  With…

It has been too long

5 years is too long to go between posts.  Much has happened in that time.  I took a job developing technology for the automotive industry in Burlington, Vermont.  And I hate to say that I have been living in this beautiful state taking photos on my iPhone.  What a photography failure I have been of…

Mac Mini as Home Entertainment Hub

I know this isn’t all about photography, but it was too cool not to write about.  So….what am I talking about?  When you make a computer the brains of your home entertainment center all kinds of new possibilities and sharing across the house happen. Here are some of the cool things: Virtually unlimited TV-recording capabilities…

Costa Rican Landscapes – December 2009

Since my first trip to Costa Rica, in 1995, I have always been struck by the magic of the country as soon as my feet come off the airplane.  Although it is a very different place than it was in the 90s, it is still one of my favorite spots on earth.  Today, most of…

Deported from Mexico

Yep, this is going to be a long story… I am supposed to be sitting on the beach in Cancun right now, but instead, I’m back at my computer in Virginia Beach.  All is not lost though, I’m booked to fly back into Mexico tomorrow.  But anyway, here’s the story: I won a trip for…

Photosynth – taking photography to a whole new level

Launched in full on August 20, 2008, Microsoft’s Photosynth has been showing people the in’s and out’s of…well…just about anything. It is a stitching software that can take hundreds of photos and find the common parts of the photo to link the images for display as an interactive collage.  Basically, you find something you want…

Off Topic: Crazy nut I met on my trip to South Georgia

When traveling with Lindblad you expect to be around the elite, the cultured, the wealthy, the social royalty and that was definitely the majority of my fellow passengers. And then there was Joel. Joel Levinson, or Happy Joel, to be more specific. Joel wins contests for a living. I’ll repeat….Joel wins contests for a living….

Camera Gear – what worked, what didn’t?

The hardest part of getting ready for this trip was selecting the camera gear.  I could not find enough online about what to bring and what to leave at home, so let me give you a hand.  If you click on the Gear-Up page, you can see what I had to choose from. Rikki and…

Favorite images…so far

I shot over 12,000 photos on this trip and have only processed about 200 now.  I could be at this for months!  I figured I do a quick little recap with some photos…and more photos than usual because I have a broadband Internet connection again!  Some of these images, you’ve already seen. It isn’t a…

Last day at Sea

We should be back in Ushuaia around 7:00 AM tomorrow morning.  Today has been spent socializing and getting ready to say good bye.  This will be our final night on the NG Endeavour and it is going to be tough to leave – this ship feels like home.  I don’t think the land will move…

Stanley – back in the Falklands

Itinerary Make port at Stanley, the capital of the Falklands Visit Gypsy Cove for our last time with wildlife Walk around Stanley and have a pint Disembark for Ushuaia We’re only one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time now, so I’m waking up at a normal time again – on my own clock. I was…

Sea Day – do we need seat belts on this ride?

We are on our roughest sea day yet. Report from the Bridge is 7-8 meter seas. It is a little strange because the sun is fully out, so it is actually a really nice day. The only reason to put a coat on is to prevent getting soaked by the enormous splashes. Splashes are shooting…

Decided to participate in a photo contest while here

I rarely participate in photo contests anymore because I have had little time to break the camera out. This trip has given me the opportunity to dust the rust on my photography off and then some. Before leaving, the theme for S2Ki’s October photo contest was announced: Our Feathered Friends. I had to enter. I…